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Personal Credit Application

Banking & finance

Pre-filled data integration, Conditions, EasySign, Themes &


Increase revenue & shorten the sales cycle

Accelerate Credit Approvals Digitally

Transform your personal credit application experience. Enjoy a seamless and efficient process that ensures compliance, security, and a quick turnaround for both applicants and financial institutions.

  • Streamlined Personal Credit Application
  • Efficient Data Integration for Quick Processing
  • EasySign for Secure Authorization
Personal Credit Application

A better experience for everyone

For Financial Institutions

Enhance your personal credit application process with our digital platform. Achieve faster credit approvals, efficient data integration, and secure authorization with EasySign. Increase revenue and reduce the sales cycle with advanced digital solutions.

For your customers

Enjoy a seamless and user-friendly digital platform that simplifies the application process, ensures data security, and provides quick credit approvals. Say goodbye to lengthy paperwork and hello to effortless credit access.
Let's talk

Create one seamless workflow

  1. The user enters their full name for identification.
  2. They provide contact information securely.
  3. Employment details are shared accurately.
  4. The user verifies their identity with EasySign.T
  5. he application is reviewed and submitted effortlessly.
  6. The user receives instant notification of their credit approval status.

What’s inside?

Every digital process comes with a full suite of features and solutions built-in to make customer data intake easy.

  • Drag and drop
  • Roles & Permissions
  • White label branding
  • Secure and automated workflow
  • Image and file upload
  • Custom conditions and validations
  • Single-Sign-On (SSO)
  • Pre-filled Data Integration for Efficiency
  • Conditions for Compliance
  • EasySign for Secure Authorization
  • Themes & Co-Browsing for Enhanced User Experience

Your digital partner

Digitize Your Prersonal Credit Application Process Today!
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